M. Koptjevskaja-Tamm & H. ChappellBody part terms in lexicon and grammar
G. Jacques & A. GuillaumeAssociated motion. Diachronic and typological approaches
L. SouagLanguage contact: grammaticalization & lexicalization
W. de Mulder & B. FagardDiachronic and typological perspectives on grammaticalization
M. PonsonnetAustralian languages: Semantics and contact
A. SchapperLexical semantic typology of Melanesia
M. Mithun & F. Rose & M. VuillermetAmerindian languages: Semantic patterns and diachronic pathways
Y. TreisThe Ethiopian Linguistic Area: Typological and Diachronic Perspectives
E. CartierNLP approaches to semantics
G. SegererSemantic typology in African languages using the RefLex database
J.-M. List & A. TjukaComputer-Assisted Approaches to Lexical Typology
T. GeorgakopoulosSemantic maps
H. ChappellSemantic shifts in Asia : an areal view of HAVE and EXIST
E. KoenigMinor lexical categories as sources and targets of semantic change